Monday, July 21, 2008

More (quick) Updates

I still have more big and boring posts to put up, but I just wanted to quickly mention that I have now added more photos (with captions) to the Picasa album, and added a new Google Map of my various sites in Berlin.

If you are Really curious.

Also, I wanted to somehow commemorate today as the official 2 month mark for my time in Europe. No big deal really, but it just struck me today how long I ve been gone and how accustomed I ve become to this style of living.

Very odd, and I m sure there s much to further analyze here, but lets take a rain check on that one. Thanks for bearing with me for 2 months and you should expect a bit of a reprieve these next 2 weeks as I get to spend time with Shelley who is joining me in Prague. I will still post, but her company will keep them much more... brief, which I think will be good for all of us.

Weber (on the lamb)

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