Monday, June 30, 2008

Catching Up

here's the deal: Plan all you want, or blow it off completely, but no matter what when you travel the bread-and-butter of everyday life is adaptation and improvistation.

Take for example one of my last meals in Tallinn. I was stranded by a broken down trolleybus several km from the city centre, hungry, and near a grocery store. Not such a bad thing. But what do you do when the best looking food is a container of pre-cooked rice pilaf? Do you go for it, and just hope you can find a plastic fork somewhere? sure you do. and when you realize there are no forks to be found, well, time to dig in and let your modern sensibilities float out of mind. Yum.

In similiar fashion, this blog is not going as planned at the moment. I keep having experiences, thinking about them, even planning out an entry - then I just don't take time to write it. The more time passes, the harder it gets, but I'm committed to sharing it all with you, so just hang tough.

I know this is all sillyness, but I need some responsibilities out here, so in trying to keep you all "satisfied" I am also keeping myself sane with the regular duties and imagined obligations.

I've spent a good bit of time today updating my Picasa album, so it's all the way up to present (even a few Polish photos already), and my Google maps actually exceed present reality.

I'm stepping off the computer for a bit to actually experience Poland, but I will pop back on soon, and there really are several novellas heading your way.

Thanks for the patience and the (gratis) patronage.

Weber (on the lamb)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Weber, I just found out about your blog, and I love it! You were gone from KRTU before I could say goodbye, before I could thank you for all your dedication and for the good you did. The magic in you is the combination of critical thinking and an uncritical attitude towards others. I always knew you would make this a better world. Now I'm thinking maybe it will be by writing! I'll be peeking at your blog. Have a wonderful summer.