Sunday, June 1, 2008

Quiet trip + Google = iWeber.

today I spent 6 hours on a train from Athens to Thessaloniki, and yestday all I did was walk around, talk with my hostelmates, and savor as much of Athens as I could before I left.

To be honest, i had some seriously deep and moving thoughts, as well as some horrifyingly embarrasing moments. But I'm keeping those for myself just at the moment. Hopefully the deep thoughts will resurface and I'll share more later (God, Death, morality, ethics - nothing that's going away anytime soon).

As for the embarrasing stuff, well, I'm weighing how important it is to be honest with you all vs. the importance your opinion of me holds. We'll just see. Maybe it will all seem funny and harmless... eventually, and if so I'll share more.

So, as penance for not reporting anything more interesting, I've started posting some extra-Blog-ular materials, like a List of the Things I'm Most Proud I've Done So Far, as well as some Google Maps of the travels I've done. Most of these also include commentary, and as my Google-Skillz improve, I'll try to add photos to the maps as well.

So there you have it. I'm getting back on that Lamb.


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