Saturday, August 16, 2008

Quick Update (in a NY minute)

Just a boring logistical update here folks.

I've been in New York for three days now, and I am living at warp speed. In three days I have not only researched, visited, and laid claim to an apartment (without a broker and the enormous accompanying fees), I pushed through an apartment application, filed 3 different loan applications, got a last-minute offer of university housing, canceled my earlier apartment agreement (before signing the lease or making the downpayment) and am now in the process of collecting the necessary paperwork to sign a Columbia University lease, get the keys, and move-in by Monday.

Amidst all of that I did just a touch of swing dancing, a ton of walking, and even got to hang out with my friend Becky "Face" Mateer, who just happened to be in New York as part of her huge 10+ state end-of-summer roadtrip with her bf Michael (NYC was the overnight between Virginia Beach, VA and Boston, MA).

On top of all this, I've been shuffling paperwork, faxes, e-mails and scans back and forth between me (in NY), my mother (in Oklahoma), Shelley (in San Antonio) and Shelley's dad (in The Woodlands). It doesn't help that on top of all this, Davey is moving out of our apartment this weekend, and Shelley is conducting a garage sale of all the things we can't afford to bring to NY.

Busy times, and I'd like to say that I wouldn't have it different, but honestly this is a bit much. I'm raging all day like a 9-to-5 job, and all I want to do is start graduate school. Classes don't start until Sept 2, orientation isn't even until Aug 26, but I'm already punching in extra time, so where did my summer go?

Three more days in NYC should be more relaxed, then I'm back to San Antonio for just (barely) enough time to pack an apartment into a moving van and drive cross-country (approx 1,950 miles) up to Oklahoma, an overnight in Nashville, and then onward to the Big Apple.

Busy, busy, but that's why my blogging is lagging (in both constancy and quality).

Please forgive, please be patient, and please continue having a wonderful summer as long as you can.

Weber (on the lamb and exhausted)


Lani said...

Ryan! I just thought you'd like to know that you were in my dream last night. We were battling to keep the one ring of power (from LOTR) out of the wrong hands. You were the only person I could trust (well, that and a magic gryphon-sphinx thing, but he wasn't a person), especially when I thought some of the people supposed to be on our side began plotting nefarious things.

Anyway. I woke up before I could see if we won, but just thought I'd tell ya that. :) Good luck in NY!

R Weber said...

crazy town.

btw, the gryphon-sphinx (who prefers to think of himself as a Gryphinx) is named Cleon.

we didn't win, this time, but we did make it out alive, so there's always hope.

Keep it real down in San Marcos, watch out for those nefarious comrades, and keep the items of power in hiding until the time is right.

much love.