Saturday, August 2, 2008

(Another) Quick Update

Traveling with a partner as many, many upsides, but one downside of being in the romantic town of gay Paris with someone who you are romantically attached to is that it doesn't afford a whole lot of time for sitting in some dark little internet cafe and wasting away the hours in a hunched over position.

So anyway, Shelley and I spent 3 days in Paris after traveling from Amberg and it was great.  We knew there wouldn't be enough time to do "everything" (there never is) so we drew up a list of the must-dos and accomplished plus a couple late editions.  The one thing we didn't do was relax, but in this we were probably more traditionally touristy than we've been otherwise.

So our recommended 3-day Paris tour (for people who like architecture and exercise) includes:
The Louvre, the Eiffel Tower, Champs Elysee, Arc de Triumph, Notre Dame, Sacre Coeur, the Pantheon, Institute du Monde Arabe, The Catacombs, and various gardens and memorials along the way. 

We saw a lot, we talked a bit, and I have several new blogs to post... but where's the time to write them all?  

I'll be getting them up as time warrants as we now close out our time on the Lamb in London with my brother and sister (in law) Duff and Larissa.  A little sight-seeing, a lot more relaxing, and several pints.  Good times.

see you all again soon, and stay tuned for more posts to come, as well as updated picasa photos, google maps, yadda yadda, you know how this works.

Weber (on the lamb)

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